Dr. Hongqin Li

Florida Licensed Acupuncture Physician, M.D. in China



About Dr. Li

With 32 years of experience in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine clinical practice, Dr. Li was also an associate director of the Department of Acupuncture of Jinan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine as well as a clinical instructor at Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine before coming to the US. Dr. Li has published two books about Clinical and laboratory research on acupuncture and Chinese Medicine. In addition, she has been a columnist for the Journal of Popular Medicine for more than three years.  She is determined to help patients stay in a natural health condition instead of a medication-dependent condition with all possible efforts. Her skillful Acupuncture technique and valuable Chinese Medicine clinical experience will help you in many aspects.

We're dedicated to mastering the art of landscaping. You supply the vision, and we'll do the rest.

​H.F. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Center​

​Tallahassee, FL